T.E.A. Timers
Career Tech Student Organization
T.E.A. Timers is an 'off-shoot' of the F.C.C.L.A. organization, the Family and Consumer Sciences Student Organization that I created to enable the students to broaden their horizons with a little more fun. In an effort to spark more interest, update the vision, and make it easier to flow through the daily course curriculum I made some changes in how the CTSO functions. All the same high qualities apply, the same dues are paid, and all members of T.E.A. Timers are members of F.C.C.L.A.
T.E.A. Timers stands for Through Excellence, Achievement Timers. Our meetings will be experiencing the exciting variety of the art of taking tea. The vision will be in developing avenues for self-education of current and pertinent cultures and lifestyles that span throughout history. Fundraisers will be the primary method of enabling us to experience multi-functional activities that accomplish our goals.
Career Tech Student Organization
T.E.A. Timers is an 'off-shoot' of the F.C.C.L.A. organization, the Family and Consumer Sciences Student Organization that I created to enable the students to broaden their horizons with a little more fun. In an effort to spark more interest, update the vision, and make it easier to flow through the daily course curriculum I made some changes in how the CTSO functions. All the same high qualities apply, the same dues are paid, and all members of T.E.A. Timers are members of F.C.C.L.A.
T.E.A. Timers stands for Through Excellence, Achievement Timers. Our meetings will be experiencing the exciting variety of the art of taking tea. The vision will be in developing avenues for self-education of current and pertinent cultures and lifestyles that span throughout history. Fundraisers will be the primary method of enabling us to experience multi-functional activities that accomplish our goals.